eommerce gateways

Ecommerce gateways

So what do you need to look for when considering ecommerce gateways?  Let’s be honest, there are lots to choose from and they all seem pretty similar. 

So how do you work out the right ecommerce gateway for you? 

eommerce gatewaysHere are some pointers to help you when choosing your ecommerce gateway:

Security – 3DS (3D Secure) is a major factor and one key things that you need on your gateway to ensure secure transactions. It does all the clever checking in the background to ensure transactions are authentic. The good news is that with recent European law, this is now mandatory on all gateways. Most gateways also ensure you choose CV2 & post code checking to ensure added safety.

Cost – This varies wildly across the market, so worth looking at this. Stripe charge 1.4% + 20p per transaction, so if you have a lot of transactions then this can get very expensive. Breathe Payments charge 0.9% + 10p and lower rates as you get bigger. Some also offer lower rates, but with a monthly fee – Worth looking at if you take more than £30k per year via your website as this can save you a lot of money.  Target price is no more than £10 per month.

Free Transactions – Many ecommerce gateways offer 350 free transactions. This can be a little misleading as what this really means is that you just don’t get charged the pence gateway fee. But you still get charged the %. This option might make sense if you have a lot of low value transactions going through your website.

Reliability – This is a difficult one to measure as stats are not always available. Most gateways are pretty reliable as otherwise they wouldn’t have many customers, but worth looking at the reviews and we’re always happy to advise on this front as have access to a few different ecommerce gateways.

Easy Integration – Most ecommerce gateways are API based now, so it’s pretty easy for a developer or tech savvy person to integrate with some simple code. We have web developers who can advise on this if you need any help.

If you have any questions on ecommerce gateways, feel free to contact us on 0203 985 9080 or info@breathepay.co.uk

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