Small businesses often struggle with day to day cash flow which, according to the Office of National Statistics, is responsible for up to 90% of business failures. If you are worried about cash flow, you may want to look at the following solutions:


1. Same day settlement of funds

Many businesses we talk to tell us that they are currently waiting up to five working days to get paid. Breathe Payments are one of only a few payments companies in the UK to offer settlement of funds from card transactions in a matter of hours which can dramatically improve cash flow and remove some of the financial stresses that can come with running a business.


2. Investment 

It can also be hard for some small businesses to get the investment they need to grow.  Often business owners are required to secure funds against their house, which feels like a huge risk. The answer could be an investment solution which provides fast, flexible and affordable loans of up to £250k. There’s a quick and simple approval process and money is paid out in just a few days.

The repayments are made as a percentage of total card takings, depending on how much the business brings in. This means that if they’ve had a good month, the loan will be paid back more quickly and if they haven’t then they don’t need to worry about high repayments.


3. Get paid faster

BACS research which shows that almost half of the UK’s small to medium sized enterprises are being paid late, with the average payment debts estimated to be £32,185. By using Payment links, you can simply email a link to customers or attach it to an invoice, giving them the option to pay instantly instead of going through the hassle of arranging bank transfers.


Breathe Payments offer impartial advice to help your business grow, so why not give us a call for a chat?

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